Erm, dh lame xmenulis,malas, bz blk kg..hahha... Coz I'm having such a long journey to Jalan Ipoh, kena la tulis...hhaha...Actually, I was called for an interview dgn Orin's Advertising, rezeki mintak mase ConvoJob shop,sj la gatal2 tgn mintak awal2 for practical training. My practical is next year, tp dah semangat nak cr..hahha...pesanan penaja by Dr D okay...hhehe...
Okeh, early 6 am , I woke up, took my bath and pray that everything will work 7 a.m, dh terpacak kat bus stop uitm ke Sek 2. From Sek 2, I really have to take a taxi to be at Komuter Station as soon as possible, tp yela bl nak naik taxi, xde plak taxi yang sebanyak2 taxi, so, I have to wait about 15 minutes, br lah ade teksi kenari..erm,: nak pegi mane? tnye pakcik teksi.erm ke komuter, pakcik,mane2 yang dekat...pakcik jwb, sume jauh...hahah..pandai wat lawak pakcik ni.erm, akhirnye smpila ke komuter shah alam,unluckily, kaki br je melangkah keluar dr teksi, komuter ke sentul br sampai n of course xblh trus msuk dlm train, coz I have to run to next platform, OMG I missed the train. Akak kat kaunter ckp another one hour br sampai the next train..oh no! my interview was at 10 am an at 8 a.m masih di komuter shah alam, smpt lagi bkfast nasi lemak smntra tggu train tibe2 dorang announce xtau pkul bp plk komuter sampai coz ade masalah operasi,...I'm just wandering how people survive when this kind of problem sudddenly occurs...(aku harap sgt, bl prktkal, ade org derma moto sbijik ke kete kat aku..hahha)erm, announcement pon nasihatkan supaya find another alternative because of the delay. So, ramai la jgk trpkasa ambk, mase tgh tunggu train (aku kan sabar choice) naik la kat tangga plak, dh penat berdiri, br nak bukak The Star, tibe-tibe...... Mr Alfred! literature lecturer when I was in Part 1..erm he asked me where are you going? stlh menerangkan akhirnye dia ajakku naik ketenye,just cancel the train, dia pon nak ke conference di hotel chulan, erm, segan dan malu, tapi xmau terlambat ke interview...hehhe...stlh diajak beberapa kali aku pon stuju..hehhe..naik kete ngan my lecturer ke komuter jalan templer..erm, ptutla, dia rela naik train td, rupenye sgt de jam la kat PJ.So, after dh syok berborak smpaila sudah kat komuter jalan templer. niat asal hanya nak naik komuter, takut mahal kena pau ngan teksi ke monorail kl.I told my lecture, xpe, u can go first to take ur cab, em sakli aku p tgk kaunter komuter xde org plak,br nak tnye nect komuter kol bp, silap2 yang delay td lom sampai,,, mase aku dok pikir tibe-tibe... tibe2 lagi mr alfred muncul..ku ingatkan he savely in the cab dh, rupenye, yela hati seorang bapa, dia dtg blk, dia risau train aku lmbt samapi, last2 dia ajak naik teksi, em, sungguh gabra takut xckup nak byr tambang, bwk rm50 je mase tu, bajet, naik trun komuter ckup sgt dh...lain plak jadinye...erm, akhirnye aku stuju jgk, dgn doa, ckupla, nak byr teksi..jalan2 pnye jalan jmpela tmpt tunggu teksi coz komuter kat jln templer agak ke dalam taman perumahan..nasib baik lecturer aku tggu dibuatnye aku decide nak naik kmuter gak pas2 maunye nangis nampak anjing2 besar2 gtu kat tepi2 umah..huuhu...erm, smbg2 pnye smbg lam teksi, dh smpi ke monorail...erm bp, pakcik? Mr Alfred jawab, it's ok, I'll pay for u. ha??? aku tnye pkcik teksi lecturer aku plak it's ok, ...pakcik tu plk kate, xpe2 ur lecturer nak byr tu...erm, stlh dok xpa2 akhirnye aku naik teksi free tp lecturer ku yang bayar..ahahha...thanks a lot to Mr Alfred, dia yang juga kalut nak ke conference masih sudi menolong aku yang sama naik kalut...erm, mmg aku xnafikan, lecturer kat uitm even non malay, diorang treat student sgt baik, especially lecturer APB...agreeeee...bkn sbb ni je ok, tapi aku dh declare benda ni, mase mule2 masuk kos ni...yela, most of my lecturers Chinese and Indian n Malays xlah, terlalu ramai..lecturer ttp apb pon 15 org, aku ke kl monorail, alhamdulillah, kbtulan, train smpai trus ke stsn titiwangsa..erm, waiting for Ema, my friend yang sanggup bersusah payah menolong aku, n then hantar ke Bangunan Lim, the place where I have to be interviewed, Orin's Advertising. Erm, agak cantik opisnye atas maybank, white, red and black,temanya,,, erm, lps interview aku cakap, legaaaaaaaaaaa....interviewer tu pon tnye camane aku dtg ke situ sbb mmgla sgt jauh kalau naik pblc transport ke jalan ipoh tu.. so aku ckp naik pblc trnsport without telling him my long aku pon mintak maafla sbb dlm kol 11 jgkla br smpi, tp aku dh kol awal2 bgtau and the staff said it's ok, bl sampai pon rupe2 nye akulah yang pertama samapi kot, pas2 2 org lgi sampai..erfm itulah syazana, slau kalut takut smapi lambat, tp biasenye diala yg awl skali...hahahh...I really care about other people's time...alhamdulillah jgkla,dalam kesulitan yg aku hadapi Allah bagi aku pertolongan...yang penting sblm melangkah keluar bilik doa agar perjalanan itulah aku dan jalan ipohku...dh...penatttt...
nnt smbg lagi, arini bersambung meeting One Malaysia at 2.30pm, ptg nak ke Mid Valley tolong crikan bj utk hantaran..