Love only grows by sharing. You can only have more for yourself by giving it away to others.
it's me
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Promosi Hebat- Anak Tudung Syria Cotton Hanya RM7.00 !!!
Erm, sebenarnya ni first time nak mencuba jual diblog. coz akak,adik and aunty2 berkenan plak dengan anak tudung ni bl pakai ngan selendang..stakat ni jual kat sedara mara je.erm, so harap kawan2 supportla bisnes kecil-kecilan ni.. murah2 je, sy jual.
SET 1- rm 7.00 sehelai (tidak termasuk pos)
Ni jahitan ade 2 line, kalau yang muka bulat skit sesuai pakai yang ni coz blh kasi muncung2 skit.
SET 2- rm 7.00 sehelai (tidak termasuk pos)
Ni plak ade 1 line jahitan, yang ni muka panjang sesuai, bulat mcm saya pon blh, cume muka saya bulat skit so suka pakai yang set 1 lagi.set 2 ni bila pakai rase kmas skit, tp kalau muka besar blh tetas skit jahitan kat blkg tu, memang macam tu stylenye supaya senang nak tarik muncung2 gitu
So, lpas dh pilih nak set 1 @ set 2, bolehla pilih kaler pulak ye,
Ok kalau berkenan bolehla pilih kaler pulak mane2 yang nak disesuaikan dengan selendang ;)
Erm,mukaku pon bulat jugak tapiku suka tarik2 skit bagi muncung so jadila camni
Erm, kalau muka lagi bulat jadi macam model berbayarku ni pakai,cantik kan?
So, berminat? boleh sms or call saye at 013-9195305 untuk tempahan
Monday, August 30, 2010
Terpukau Di Kg Sg. Kelambu
Akhirnye masukla kete ke kg ni, erm kunampak papan tanda jual kerepek merata2 wahhhhh ape yang menarik kat cni???mmg best suasana kg kat cni, kire kg dalam bandar tau2la,sungguh nyaman berkali ganda nak banding dgn asap2 di kl yang disedut sdp je pagi2..Kete pon berhentila kat Jaez Enterprise, menurut seorang adik teman ni, kat cni ade jual kerepek sedap2 lagi murah...erm, nak raye ok kawan2 kakakku sbuk plak suruh bl kerepek katenye sedap kerepek yang dia makan mase adik teman ni kawen aritu.
So, bl dh smpai Jaez ni aisshh mcm Jais plak bnyinya...erm, mate ku semamangnya meliar, bkn tgk yang bkn2 okeyyy, bln posa agak2la skit..hahah...biasela, ku smpai tmpt yang menarik ni, ingin tahu tu tahap maksima skit. mulala kaki ni berjalan straight masuk sudut blkg...hai dtg tmpt org serbu dpur ade ke patut?dh dia tayang luas2 ku masuk jela..hihih...sbnrnye ku ketempat pemprosesan kerepek...wahhhh sgt teruja melihat pisang2 yang sgt lah besar, nasib baik jgk teman ku ni tau pisang ape, slame ni ku makan je ropanya pisang tanduk.wakaka rase nak p tlg pekerja2 tu buat kerepek.semua kerja membuang kulit dan proses goreng, packing dibuat di situ.bagusla dia open so customer blhla jgk tgk mcmane diorang buat kerepek.
So, dh jalan2 tu ku pon mmg xsabar2la nak masuk dlm kedai, ish2 rsnye dh awal kami sampai, tapi dh ramai pulak org, biasela nak raye ni, sume main biskut kerepek cap tunjuk je, cap tangan xmain dh, kacang je tggl brand cap tangan..ish2 mengarut bila masuk penin jgkla kpala ku sbb bkn stkt kerepek je dlm ni, biskut raye, nata de coco, sambal daging sumenye ade.Harga pon blh tahan, sesuai la kalau nak wat bisnes kerepek jual kat kengkawan..heheh...(ni first time dtg dtg usha2 n bl mane yang ptut, pas raye ku pon rase nak wat bisnes ni)heheh..
So, stlh penat tawaf lam kedai ni, dptla sebakul, hui beratnye, senget bahu, xdala bnyk sgt tp kalau dh kerepk ubi biasa satu, kerepek ubi tomata, lada hitam, dan sgala jnis kerepek lagi tu abhla dlm RM50.smpi tlupe dah nak snap pic bnyk2.ekekea... tp memang bnykla dpt wat koleksi kerepek raye kat umah bl kazen pesan same.nata de coco yang tong besaq tu pon dia jual 3 rm10 ..erm bl jgn xbl, teman dh siap perli sabar2 posa xleh makan.stlh rase agak malu bnyk mmbli ku pon ckpla okeh, ckup utk arini..nnt kite dtg sape2 nak kenduri ape2 blhla dtg ke sini utk dijadikan sebagai cenderamata @cenderamulut yee..
So, kbtln adik teman ni sbnrnye dtg umah mak angkatnye yang hanya selang beberapa umah dr Jaez Enterprise ni...wahhh rupenye menurut mak angkat nye (dia ikut program anak angkat sblm ni, so sbb tula dia tau kg ni)suri rumah kat cni mmg wat kerepek.sbnrnye kg ni adela projek iks pnye, industri kecil dan sederhana...ermmm aku yang br knl mak angkatnye pon turut same bersembang sbb dornag ni org jawa, dan sgt ramah...wahhh no wonder bnyk btl kedai kerepek rpnye kwsn iks...rumah2 org kat cni pon sgt bersih. erm, so sblm blk smptla mak angkatnye bg kerepek2 buatan dia sndiri.ermm, utk pengetahuan kebanyakan isteri2 kat cni adelah suri rumah, so dorang ni mmg sgt rajin, yang xde bisnes kerepek pon akan goreng kerepek sndiri, sbb ubi ni merata2 kot ade tanam kat cni,so sbb ku pon minatla jgk bisnes2 ni, sgtla teruja melihat kerajinan ibu2 bapak2 disni.ade je bisnes kerepek, menjahit yang dorng buat. erm, lps blk lam kete tu ku xabh2 memuji kerajinan org kg sg kelambu thumbs up for them =)
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Menu Best untuk Hari Raye..terimalaaaahhh
Apepn, tiket ryku dh beli, amazing, Syazana bl tiket awal giler nak banding taun2 sblmnye..hehe...bkn smgt nak abskan puase, xmo kena beleteaq ngan pakcikku cam tun lps.ade ke ptut 3 ari nak raye blhku rilek xbl tiket.wahah...last2 pakcikku dtg ambk..kuikui menyusahkan.Erm adela perancangan last minute terbengkalai..So, yahoo, xsabar nak blk jmpe my family, my niece symia yang gebus 3/9 mlm, byebye kolej melati..hehe...
Erm, tajuk menu best utk raye, so inilah menu yang pasti dalam listku:
20/9-TEST 2 IS (CHAPTER 4,6,7)
29/9-TEST 2 RETAILING (CHAPTER 10,11,12)
Erm, berjela panjang, ni blm abs lagi ni masuk list, kat manela nak selit makan rendeng deng ni..hahah...jangan assignment tak sempat menyelit suda..heheh...
Erm, nnt smbung lain, nak siapkan keje ade plan jalan2 esk pagi ahad seharian,ke banting...nntku cer ape ku buat disana..bye2
Majlis Berbuka Puasa bersama Menteri Pengajian Tinggi
Tarikh: 25 August 2010
Tempat: Pan Pasific Hotel
Alhamdulillah, Ramadhan kali ini dilalui dengan penuh makna. entryku pon xbnyk sepanjang ramadhan.sudah terawikh kadang trus tertido xpn kol 2,3 pagi br bgn.badan penat, tapi hati, dalam kesibukan yang amat, sempatla ku dapat offer berbuka puasa. Erm, "Kak sya, u r invited to Pan Pasific Hotel to break the fast together with us".katenye Ida my classmate a.k.a MPP.Erm,I told her: why me?.Oh, it's ok, our president invite u guys.mase tu ema pon dijemput..hoho...nak kateku mpp x, setakat bekas sekretariat mpp je.jadi setelah tambah tolak bahagi pegilah ku ke sana....pon pon pon, bkn naik kete api ok, nek bas, erm, 10 budak laki dan 5 perempuan. alhamdulillah, bl bln puase rezeki murah,blhla ku makan free.
So, disebabkan tibe2 je dijemput berbuka ku xfikir banyak sgt ingatkan bukak same2 bdk mpp je, smpai je Pan Pasific Hotel ku nampak banyak plak bas dr universiti2 lain. erm, hati masih tertanya2 , ade org kenamaan ke dtg? oh bl jejak je kat pintu dewan, oh rupanya! YB Dato' Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin datang..kihkih....tula org ajak pegi je, so ramaila jgk around 300 lbh yang dtg . Terduduk la kami di meja skali ngan student USIM. Pandaila pulak ku dok berbahasa basi..erm, rupenye wakil MPP dr semua universiti dijemput biasela majlis ramah mlm tu ku pon tibe2 jadi mpp..hahah...
So, bagusla jgk Ida ajakku, lagipn lps program 1 Malaysia ku memang behenti dh handle2 program, just want to have more time with myself, let the juniors plak get the experience.
so, dapatla buah tangan skit dr Menteri kite, time kacehh...
pas2 snap skiiit gmbar
i can say that he is a humble person bl dh jumpe face to face, sj la ambk gmbr ambk berkatttt..
sekian, mlm tu blk dengan kekenyangan...zzzzzzzz
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Ramadhan season
apepon weekend ni paling bahagia, seperti melepaskan perasaan ke jalan tar dan sogo memborong ape yang patut untuk pesanan my sis.biasela nak blk raye kena inject bnyk skit akak, so raye blhla suruh dia masak sodap2..hheheh...
Arini seharian melipat kain2 ku yang terperuk di dalam almari...fuuuh lega cantik sudah...biasela, weekend hari board pon dh pnh dgn upcoming schedule...em, apepon bile ku tgk list ni, lg ku xnak wat keje..hahah...bahagia2 weekend ni hadiah untukku ye, blh rehat2 setelah berpenat2..
erm, nak g bazar ramadhan dl lah mengidam ikan bakar cicah air asam,mak oi sodapnyeee
Thursday, August 5, 2010
busy day,week,month
3)Update Research 4)15/8 trip retailing to mydin subang jaya 5)16/8 test information system in business..this coming sunday adalah hari kemuncak projek bahasa dan budaya 1malaysia.hope everything goes smoothly.tnc uitm,wakil hep uitm,wakil karangkraf,wakil jps,dekan n timb dekan akan turun pada hari tersebut.;);) happy abs hari kemuncak nk focus buku buku buku..haha..ku mau retired la bg adik2 junior lak handle.erm caucincau..retailing retailing book is calling me
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Starting my New Sem
Erm, previously, mengidam hp, kete, moto..alhamdulillah, rpnye bgus jgk membayangkan sesuatu yg kite nak tup2 bedebuk! dpat sbijik blackberry.hello hello kalau nak bl jgn harap, banyak lagi aku nk kn rezeki sem lpsla agknya, ade la insn sudi hadiah sbijik blackberry, so walaupun xsmpt nk update blog, blhla jgkku wifi bc blog2 kengkawan kalau ke tmpt ade wifi. ermmm yg pntg, ade jagela elok2 ye makcik sya, jgn makan byk semut, asyk ttgl.nasib baik ku xbeli tali gantung kat leher. Looks like I'm too old to do so.hahah...jgn terasa sape ltk kat leher hp dia ye. Just telling myself to be more careful next time.So, dalam kssusahn nak online tetibe rase nak online kat library, xbwk card reader plak, next time kite snap skit berry2 kesayangan br ni.heheh...
k la, nnt next time, cite, got to pray, after this ade klas information system.cauuuu
Friday, June 18, 2010
* Yang ni dah slamat ditinggalkan kat kedai OKU, mase pegi print.Oh, dahla ni satu-satunye talipon yang kukire kamera cantikla berbanding Motorola L6 ku yang uzur 6 tahun yang lalu (So terpaksalah guna).
Alangkah indah kalau dapat hp kamera ni ....
*Kubantai je mane2 talipon janji ade kamera gambar jadi cantik.Sesunggunya aku hanya kenal bebrapa jenis model, yang lain boleh ckp cantik je, xtau model ke bp tahun,bnyk sgt kat pasaran la ni...hhahah..
So, kalau nak berangan jauh lagi, best jugak kalau dapat yang ni....
Opps, ni macam nak p meronggeng ngan awie plak..hahah...
Erm, yang ni pon ok gak, blh bwk p prktikal taun dpn, xyah la aku berlari2 kejar bas lagi...hahah
xsecanggih ni pon xpa, apekan daya nak bawak moto kapcai arwah abahku, mau popular satu UiTM. Mane taknye, kalau adikku naik, mesti org2 kg tau dah, mesti kami adik bradik ade kat umah..hahhA...tapi skang xde dh bunyi moto kapcai abah, hero incik ibrahim sudah dapat satu honda merah baru dia, jangan harapla ye akak ni dapat pinjam, berkilat2 motor kawan dok jaga. Lagipon uzur bebenor dah. mgkin next post raye ni nak ambik skit pic moto kapcai kat umah kot ade sape bekenan nak wat besi buruk.hahah...
Sebab dah lame xwat kerepek @ merepek nak sambung berangan lagi, kot2 ade org nak bagi yang ni sbijik....
Erm, apepon sudah2la kamu nak berangan ye, Syazana, kalau dapat encik kancil ni pon dh cukup bagus..hahah...berangan2 lagi.......
Erm, sekian sudah, saye berangan.....semoga xjadi angan-angan minah jenin sudahhhh....nak layan kepala kejap...ngeeeeeeeeeee...terima kasih kerana melayan angan-angan saye yer
Erm dalam dok berangan nak moto kete, baru aku teringat exam komputer aritu xg repeat lagi...hahahah wat malu je 39/50...tu gara-gara kalut ngan exam kalut2 p exam komputer jawabnye, syazana anda gagal,sila mengulang..malu2...hahha...tu la lain kali sblm p baca dl...pengajarannya, taun dpn xyah wat la ujian2 komputer nih, bagi lesen trus, so ramai lah rempit suke2 meter dia nak..hahah...dahla...cau cin cauuuuuu
Hard work usually pays off
So, after I got to check the result, I felt the ticket that I bought to Kelantan was worthy. All of the members of 1 Malaysia were going to their hometown because we usually don't have any practice on weekend.So, I bought a ticket to Kota Bharu or else I'll be alone with the ghost at Melati..hahah..But, I put a promise, if my result is better than previous semester, than I'll be at home.
It's true that hard work usually pays off. All subjects are all A's except a single B shouldn't be ignored..hahah for Finance. Frankly speaking, I just have enough time to memorise the formula and the exam timetable really killed me at that time. Studying at 2am until 6am for Finance, whatelse I can do instead of recalling my previous lecture and exercise that I have done.
Alhamdulillah,this quote, helps me so much:
"The great successful men of the world have used their imagination…they think ahead and create their mental picture in all its details, filling in here, adding a little there, altering this a bit and that a bit, but steadily building - steadily building."
Imagine of getting Dean's List, with the bless from Allah, Alhamdulillah, with this success, Hope, I could maintain to be first class graduate, insyaAllah, pray, pray and pray...berkat doa orang-orang yang disayangi walaupun at sometimes, rase nak terbeliak bijik mate ngadap lappyku ini.6 taun seyh dip and degree.. another one year to go, CAIYOK!CAIYOK!
Apepon usaha dan hasilnye, don't forget to thank all the lecturers who have guided us..(""")
Monday, June 7, 2010
Journey to Jalan Ipoh
Okeh, early 6 am , I woke up, took my bath and pray that everything will work 7 a.m, dh terpacak kat bus stop uitm ke Sek 2. From Sek 2, I really have to take a taxi to be at Komuter Station as soon as possible, tp yela bl nak naik taxi, xde plak taxi yang sebanyak2 taxi, so, I have to wait about 15 minutes, br lah ade teksi kenari..erm,: nak pegi mane? tnye pakcik teksi.erm ke komuter, pakcik,mane2 yang dekat...pakcik jwb, sume jauh...hahah..pandai wat lawak pakcik ni.erm, akhirnye smpila ke komuter shah alam,unluckily, kaki br je melangkah keluar dr teksi, komuter ke sentul br sampai n of course xblh trus msuk dlm train, coz I have to run to next platform, OMG I missed the train. Akak kat kaunter ckp another one hour br sampai the next train..oh no! my interview was at 10 am an at 8 a.m masih di komuter shah alam, smpt lagi bkfast nasi lemak smntra tggu train tibe2 dorang announce xtau pkul bp plk komuter sampai coz ade masalah operasi,...I'm just wandering how people survive when this kind of problem sudddenly occurs...(aku harap sgt, bl prktkal, ade org derma moto sbijik ke kete kat aku..hahha)erm, announcement pon nasihatkan supaya find another alternative because of the delay. So, ramai la jgk trpkasa ambk, mase tgh tunggu train (aku kan sabar choice) naik la kat tangga plak, dh penat berdiri, br nak bukak The Star, tibe-tibe...... Mr Alfred! literature lecturer when I was in Part 1..erm he asked me where are you going? stlh menerangkan akhirnye dia ajakku naik ketenye,just cancel the train, dia pon nak ke conference di hotel chulan, erm, segan dan malu, tapi xmau terlambat ke interview...hehhe...stlh diajak beberapa kali aku pon stuju..hehhe..naik kete ngan my lecturer ke komuter jalan templer..erm, ptutla, dia rela naik train td, rupenye sgt de jam la kat PJ.So, after dh syok berborak smpaila sudah kat komuter jalan templer. niat asal hanya nak naik komuter, takut mahal kena pau ngan teksi ke monorail kl.I told my lecture, xpe, u can go first to take ur cab, em sakli aku p tgk kaunter komuter xde org plak,br nak tnye nect komuter kol bp, silap2 yang delay td lom sampai,,, mase aku dok pikir tibe-tibe... tibe2 lagi mr alfred muncul..ku ingatkan he savely in the cab dh, rupenye, yela hati seorang bapa, dia dtg blk, dia risau train aku lmbt samapi, last2 dia ajak naik teksi, em, sungguh gabra takut xckup nak byr tambang, bwk rm50 je mase tu, bajet, naik trun komuter ckup sgt dh...lain plak jadinye...erm, akhirnye aku stuju jgk, dgn doa, ckupla, nak byr teksi..jalan2 pnye jalan jmpela tmpt tunggu teksi coz komuter kat jln templer agak ke dalam taman perumahan..nasib baik lecturer aku tggu dibuatnye aku decide nak naik kmuter gak pas2 maunye nangis nampak anjing2 besar2 gtu kat tepi2 umah..huuhu...erm, smbg2 pnye smbg lam teksi, dh smpi ke monorail...erm bp, pakcik? Mr Alfred jawab, it's ok, I'll pay for u. ha??? aku tnye pkcik teksi lecturer aku plak it's ok, ...pakcik tu plk kate, xpe2 ur lecturer nak byr tu...erm, stlh dok xpa2 akhirnye aku naik teksi free tp lecturer ku yang bayar..ahahha...thanks a lot to Mr Alfred, dia yang juga kalut nak ke conference masih sudi menolong aku yang sama naik kalut...erm, mmg aku xnafikan, lecturer kat uitm even non malay, diorang treat student sgt baik, especially lecturer APB...agreeeee...bkn sbb ni je ok, tapi aku dh declare benda ni, mase mule2 masuk kos ni...yela, most of my lecturers Chinese and Indian n Malays xlah, terlalu ramai..lecturer ttp apb pon 15 org, aku ke kl monorail, alhamdulillah, kbtulan, train smpai trus ke stsn titiwangsa..erm, waiting for Ema, my friend yang sanggup bersusah payah menolong aku, n then hantar ke Bangunan Lim, the place where I have to be interviewed, Orin's Advertising. Erm, agak cantik opisnye atas maybank, white, red and black,temanya,,, erm, lps interview aku cakap, legaaaaaaaaaaa....interviewer tu pon tnye camane aku dtg ke situ sbb mmgla sgt jauh kalau naik pblc transport ke jalan ipoh tu.. so aku ckp naik pblc trnsport without telling him my long aku pon mintak maafla sbb dlm kol 11 jgkla br smpi, tp aku dh kol awal2 bgtau and the staff said it's ok, bl sampai pon rupe2 nye akulah yang pertama samapi kot, pas2 2 org lgi sampai..erfm itulah syazana, slau kalut takut smapi lambat, tp biasenye diala yg awl skali...hahahh...I really care about other people's time...alhamdulillah jgkla,dalam kesulitan yg aku hadapi Allah bagi aku pertolongan...yang penting sblm melangkah keluar bilik doa agar perjalanan itulah aku dan jalan ipohku...dh...penatttt...
nnt smbg lagi, arini bersambung meeting One Malaysia at 2.30pm, ptg nak ke Mid Valley tolong crikan bj utk hantaran..
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Convo JobShop UiTM 20-27 May 2010
We Learn From Experience
Just ignore, the pic coz, ni snap, while while waiting for the other members to come.heheh..Ema, nak pose, so I pon xnak kecewakan dia, letakla pic dia kat cni..hahah...
So, this early morning, we got a meeting at KFC about 10.30a.m..Oh no! not very early morning for me, coz I really love to start my day, as early as possible. Biaselah, bl meeting ramai2 we have to consider that some of us, mungkin nak qada tdo yang xckup mase sblm2 ni sibuk2 dgn assignment.. In the meeting, we were given brief explanation about the module that we are going to do when we start our project in school. The flow of the meeting was well managed, all the members were so enthusiast to give ideas and opinions for Project One Malaysia. Cayalah!
So, sebaik, abis meeting, Tiara and I went to PKNS,niat asal nak deposit duit ke BSN, lps pegi BSN diri kami ditarik2 utk mengisi halwa telinga..hehehe...Unexpectedly, we sat and listen to the talk pasal, ade perkataan wanita kat banner, so it grabbed our attention to know what is it all about.
Eventhough, we have no plan to go, akhirnye this talk was found to be very useful as we will know how to protect ourselves when it comes to violence towards women.Yang bestnye, the speaker said " Beri tepukan kepada diri sendiri kerana ibu2 dan bapa2 sanggup meluangkan masa untuk menimba ilmu" Oppsssss tersentak daku dan Tiara, actually both of us main redah je duduk kat kerusi tu dan dgr talk, coz it was for public yang datang ke PKNS, xsangka plak we are the youngest and single parent..hahaha...Anyway, we gain some knowledge, kes2 penderaan psychology, economics, physical and bla bla bla...prut dah berkeroncong, eloklah free2lah, dpt nasi lemak, nyum2 sedap2 jgk, blh wat lunch..hahahha
So, as we were so bored, and nothing to do after the meeting, talk dah dengar, our stomachs'growling already, then we found the best port...Jeng jeng jeng... Tasek Shah Alam, best jgk picnic,hahahha...nasi lemak, wat picnic, blhla dr plan asal, just sit at any chairs available dalam PKNS dan makan, cam xappropriate plak. So, blhla cuci2 mata kat tasek, very nice place to take picture, and this place is one of the place that I captured pictures for my album collection for my personal web project..huhu...
very nice kan, sbb I yang snap picture..hahaha...
Em, nila Tiara, teman I melepaskan kebosanan,she's just like me, we love to jalan2 cari pasal..hahaha...
Em, dah selesai, got to go to Kajang, ade org nak bl my mini laptop, so, I took komuter as the person wanted to see me there.
I'm just wandering, when are the ladies given privilleges for seats in the komuter..hahha...nampak sgt bz kalah PM xsmpt bc paper.There's special coach called ladies coach. Guys, don't ever think of staying with us in the same coach or not the police bantuan yg halau or driver komuter sendiri suruh kitorang tell the guys to move to the other coach...Oh, thank God! at least, I don't have to suffer standing along the journey bile nak ke mane2 dgn komuter.I was lucky that day coz I got my seat sambil2 belek The Star while arriving to my destination (xdela tertinggal berita coz kdg2 xsmpt miss bc online news). The best thing is that, I don't have to close my nose from 'uneasy odours' especially from Bangla2..hahaha...xbaik2, but I'm sure, those who use to travel by komuter, would say the same...hahaha..
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Banner dan T-Shirt Projek One Malaysia
This is the banner that I had to design. Gratefully all the members of this project like it, even I designed it within one precious, ilmu
yang DR O bagi in my previous semester. So, practise what you learnt =) Just a simple banner, xblh tayang besar2 nnt xgempaq.hahahah...kalau dah menang projek2 baru kasi tayang trantangtang..ahhaha
Then, I was also assigned to design t-shirt to be worn on the day that we go to school. So, br la nampak semangat satu malaysia..ekekkek...
Harap-harap, banner and t-shirt ni, no problem, and the designer can finish it before we all turun ke sekolah2 to run the programme :)
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Program One Malaysia
The fact that, my faculty dapat no3 utk pertandingan proposal ni,alhamdulillah, antara 60 lbh proposal yang bertanding kalau xsilap...yang ni melibatkan seluruh universiti di Malaysia.. So we have to make it a reality arrange program ke sekolah2.The final report will be sent on August 2010. But then, we will have our Malam Kemuncak ala2 performance showing that our event ni effective or not.
Dannn nampaknye, saye dilantik jadi menteri kewangan dan setiausaha agung...uh2 mula2 jadi bendahari je, pas2 kene jadi setausaha jgk, setiausaha terpaksa tarik diri atas sebab2 tertentu..huhuh.So, for this program, 20 people will get involve. Only 20 coz, kalau menang ni blh terbang somewhere over the sea...heheeheh...tu yang best tu....
So, sblm kami turun ke sekolah2 kenalah memenuhkan ilmu di dada dengan bahasa melayu ( ni dah pass excellently..hehehhe), bahasa mandarin and bahasa tamil ( yang ni dalam proses pembelajaran lagi, ade kelas and blaja sndiri), bahasa inggeris n arab, yang ni blh tibai2 la (aishhhh bertaun2 blaja, hahaha arab tu kena slow skit, masuk tinga kanan kuar tinga kiri),Bkn ape, kena ajar budak2 sek yang berlainan kaum supaya memahami bahasa kaum lain lagi...
Dhla banyak bebel ni, below are the list that we got from Jabatan Pelajaran Selangor. So, by this coming monday ni, kena ke sekolah2 arrange dengan sekolah utk buat program ni.
Fasa 1(kajian)
i) Pelajar sekolah rendah(3 buah) sekitar negeri Selangor yang mempunyai
pelbagai kaum.
ii) Pelajar sekolah menengah (3 buah) sekitar negeri Selangor yang mempunyai
pelbagai kaum.
28 MAY 2010
29-30 MAY 2010
7-8 JUN 2010
4-5 JUN 2010
18 JUN 2010
19-20 JUN 2010
Em doa2kanlah ye, tarikh ni diterima, so next sem, xyah nak pikir truk2 sgt..hhehe...
Ok, sambung malam nnt, 2.45 petang ade meeting plak...
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Quotes For Today
"Success is not measured by what you accomplish but by the opposition you have encountered, and the courage with which you have maintained the struggle against overwhelming odds."
"Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all your life. Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement."
"Disciplining yourself to do what you know is right and important, although difficult, is the high road to pride, self-esteem, and personal satisfaction. "
"The great successful men of the world have used their imagination…they think ahead and create their mental picture in all its details, filling in here, adding a little there, altering this a bit and that a bit, but steadily building - steadily building."
"Hitch your wagon to a star."
Program One Malaysia
Ilmu baru from sis wat karipap and Pizza
Erm letak gmbr karipap ngan pizza bagi sape2 yg xberselera jd berselerala..hahah..
It takes me a long time to update. ya, 3.16 a.m right now, and I can't even close my eyes..I started my semester break since 3 of May and I don't even update once..hahah..Actually, this secreto blk kg air dingin and enjoy eating so much sehingga naik berkilo2 jadilah 53kg..Oh Tuhan! nikmatnya pemberianmu untuk makanan kepada manusia..
Semuanya gara-gara dijamu dan dimasak oleh my sis di kg halaman. Her beloved sis ni jarang blk, so silalah jamu ur lil sis sedap2 ..heheheh...erm, just one week at home and naik 1.5kg.hahaha...oh no mcm 3kg..oh let it be, I love eating..hehhe...
Xsmpt nak snap pic makanan2 yg my sis hidang, kerana ghairah nak makan..hahah..Oh ur sis ni really miss ur masakan. Erm sempatla ku kebas karipap and pizza hasil ulian dan tunjuk ajar my sis. She's a great cook! I can't deny..heheh (this secreto is looking forward.hahahah).. Anyway thanks to my sis , Syazwani and brother in law, abe G krn menghidangkan makanan yang enak-enak buat adikmu di perantauan..ahaksss, almaklum nilah adik yg plg independent..huhuh
Dahla, kpala dah kuar bintang, pokok, bulan, bantal sume ade..
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
News Straits Times- 'No' to Sex Education
'No' to Sex Education
Reports by Anis Ibrahim
SEX Education is not needed in Malaysian schools and will not be introduced, the Dewan Negara was told yesterday.
Deputy Education Minister Dr Puad Zarkashi said elements of sex education were already being taught in schools in a subject called Social and Reproductive Health Studies.
The subject was introduced in secondary schools in 1989 and in primary schools in 1994.
"Social and reproductive health studies is taught under Health Education and encompasses curricula of a wide variety of subjects such as Biology, Science, Additional Science, Moral Studies and Religious Education," he said.
"There is no need for a specific subject called Sex Education."
Several ministries and organisations had supported the idea of teaching sex education on its own, but this decision appears to have closed the door on the matter.
The Women, Family and Community Development Ministry, for instance, recently held a seminar for students on social and reproductive health in anticipation of Sex Education being introduced as a subject in schools.
Women, Family and Community Development Minister Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil had expressed concern on the matter in light of a recent spate of abandoned babies.
The National Union of the Teaching Profession had also supported the proposal for sex education in schools, although its secretary-general, Lok Yim Pheng, voiced some reservations.
She said teachers were not confident in teaching sex education as they did not have the training to handle the complexity and sensitivity of the subject.
In his reply to Senators Doris Sophia Brodi, Datuk Daljit Singh Dalliwal, Datuk Zainun Mat and Dr M. Malasingam, Puad said social and reproductive health studies teachers had attended courses held by experienced trainers.
"These courses are designed to expose the teachers to the proper approach which should be adopted in teaching the subject.
"Our present syllabus also includes modules on the importance of making the right decisions where sex is concerned," he said.
Replying to Brodi's supplementary question, he said parents should also play their role in discussing sex with their children and advise them accordingly.
"This will lessen sensitivities related to sex.
"Parents cannot leave the issue of sex for teachers to handle, they must also speak to their children about it."
what do you think??????